Imagen Número de pieza Fabricantes Descripción Precio unitario Acción Qty
Breadboard 170 points SYB-170
Breadboard 170 points SYB-170
Breadboard 170 points SYB-170 MOYA SYB-170 Mini Solderless Prototype Experiment Test Breadboard 170 Tie-points $0.11 4531
Breadboard 830 Points MB-102
Breadboard 830 Points MB-102
Breadboard 830 Points MB-102 MOYA MB-102 Breadboard 830 Point MB102 solderless breadboard $0.55 14390
Breadboard 170 SYB-170 Transparent
Breadboard 170 SYB-170 Transparent
Breadboard 170 SYB-170 Transparent MOYA Breadboard 170 SYB-170 Transparent $0.18 2345
Smart car wheels and TT Gear motor
Smart car wheels and TT Gear motor
Smart car wheels and TT Gear motor MOYA Smart car wheels and TT Gear motor $0.49 14321
Smart Car Robot Gear Motor
Smart Car Robot Gear Motor
Smart Car Robot Gear Motor MOYA Smart Car Robot Gear Motor $0.34 32456
Smart Car Robot TT Wheel
Smart Car Robot TT Wheel
Smart Car Robot TT Wheel MOYA Yellow Smart Car Robot TT Wheel Tire $0.17 32123
MG90S Micro Servo
MG90S Micro Servo
MG90S Micro Servo MOYA MG90S Micro Servo $1.58 13200
SG90 9G Micro Servo Motor
SG90 9G Micro Servo Motor
SG90 9G Micro Servo Motor MOYA SG90 9G Micro Servo Motor for RC Robot Helicopter Airplane Car $0.84 13420